60 Easy, Quick Hairstyles You Can Do in Five Minute Flat

If there is very little time in the morning, but you want your hair to look nice and styled, what should do? Here are 60 easy and chic styles for long hair that you can create at home. Whether you’re off to a formal occasion or to work, these easy hairstyles are sure to draw compliments wherever you wear them.

We’ve rounded up some of the chicest, easiest hairstyles for every hair length and texture, all of which can be executed in under five minute. Such as braid, updo hair, long hair, short hair and so on!

Whether your hair is stick-straight, or you’re rocking a head full of flourishing kinks, there are options that are as easy to execute as they are gorgeous. we’ve put together a list of cute and easy hairstyles for long hair. Enjoy!

To give you some easy hairstyles inspiration, we have found 60 easy and quick hairstyles. Include easy hairstyles for medium hair, long hair and short hair. Whether you to school or to work these easy hairstyles are sure to draw compliments.